See gallery of selected realisations
WT certified roll-up tatami mats for Taekwondo, COS Cetniewo, Poland
Tatami mats with IJF certificate, Poland.
Fight Club JJB Yverdon, Switzerland
Fight Club Stockholm Taekwon-Do ITF, Sweden
Fight club Sparta Siechnice
PACO Team - Mysłowice
COS OPO Wałcz - wrestling mat UWW
BJJ club in Łódź City
Boxing club RING Bielsko
Raseiniu SC Lithuania
SPIDER GYM Szczecinek
K.S. Góral Żywiec
BJJ fight club in Ireland
AMAYA Fight club - Germany
MMA club Englas - Estonia
Delivery of wrestling mats to Sweden
Judo club KANGAROOS - Trzebinia
Supply of sports flooring - Lublin
Fight club Sparta Jaworzno
PACO Team - kickboxing - Mysłowice
European Championships Warsaw 2021
Combat sports hall Wrocław - Judo, Wrestling, Boxing
Prison in Wojkowice city - wall protectors
Police department in Opole
Secondary School of Uniformed Services - Wrocław
Front Line Academy - combat sports mat cover
Combat Sports Zone - Cabańskie sports center - Chrzanów
Drwal fight school - Katowice
City Fit Combat Sports Zone - Cracow
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin - wall protectors
City Fit Combat Sports Zone - Poznań
Drwal fight school - Cracow
City Fit Combat Sports Zone - Rzeszów
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