Gymstick Fitnessbag

For fitness and other martial arts + DVD

Colour: green, purple, blue, red
Weight: 5kg, 7,5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg
Size: 19x51cm, 22x56cm, 22x61cm
Ref: 62055-x

– fitnessbag is safe training device for improving muscle strength, burning the redundant fat, improving the respiratory system functioning
– this new training device has a form of a soft bag with handles ideal for versatile training on every level: endurance, strength, coordination and stability
– special designed shape and handles on different sides allow different movements and grips
– fithessbag was made for everyone: athletes, general fitness enthusiasts and kids, as well as rehabilitation patients. It is also suitable for group classes
– it can be also used for weight training by replacing typical bulgarian bag
– there are a lot of exercizes you can do with the fitness bag: throwing movements, kettlebell movements, presses, lifts
– it can be also used as a boxing sack, and thanks to its soft construction it is extremely safe in usage.

